Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) is my favourite anime since 2013. It was my gateway to the anime world. This video is my tribute to this series.

Beast Titan Lookdev
I used the 3D model from Attack on Titan's PS4 game, upgraded the textures, created the materials and made one of my favourites parts of the process: Hair and fur.

Reference Board
I organized the references shot by shot, following my storyboard using PureRef.

Hair Sim
My hair is longer than Zeke's. So to look like him, I decided to tie my hair up and use a 3D simulated one on the back of my head. I also used Photoshop and EbSynth to make me look stronger and After Effects's Liquify to increase some body parts size.

Chroma Key
I had trouble with the blue light reflecting on my face and body. To fix it, I changed the blue color to something more skin like. Then I used the After Effets Keylight to solve the blue contourn.
The light passing throw my fabric also was a problem. To solve it, I used some luma matte with keylight and levels to separate me from the non-uniform blue background.
The light passing throw my fabric also was a problem. To solve it, I used some luma matte with keylight and levels to separate me from the non-uniform blue background.

Some Fully CGI Shots
I used Insydium X-Particles to make the lightning effects. Smoke fx were simulated in Embergen. The forest was made using Forester for C4D. I rendered everything using Octane Render.

Final Video